COVID-19 Haikus | Homework Gallery

Episode #1: "Welcome to Artful Design TV", featured a segment on COVID-19 haikus, and assigned an optional homework for participants to write their COVID-19-themed haikus. Here are what people submitted. By the way, the submission portal remains open—in case you feel inspired...

Rosemary on the door
Lingering smell of the past
Remembrance for now

- Marjorie Khosrovi

everyone go home.
how long we can hold our breath?
it's a global test.

- Curtis

Staying now at home
Productivity is dead 
Regret yet to come 

- Yury Orlovskiy

Does not help me be at ease
I need to relax

- Jack

Global pandemic
Parents were pretty clueless
Personal crisis

- Ashwin

Mom’s caregiver frets
She may have Covid-19. 
Two more weeks apart. 

Sending her daughter
Away AGAIN to Grandma
How will Sweetpea cope?

Two quarantines now,
Back to back, two in a row,
No tests - it’s insane. 

- Laurie H

Under quarantine
gobble up things in my fridge
Ring Fit to consume

- Aries Wang

Tomorrow somewhere
Feeling hope in new sound as
Music unfolds time

- Denis Crowdy

grabbed an old t-shirt
turned it into a face mask
let’s flatten the curve

- Shilp Vaishnav

Look out the window,
With home-school and work-from-home
The mind wanders off.

- Christine Nass

I wander around 
Maybe meaning is in the 

- Micah Arvey

beauty surrounds me 
my heart palpitates with fear
what is the future?

- Whoohoo

a quarantine dream
waves of fate push me backwards
when will i wake up?

- David Su

my house is my world
moving inside and inward

- leilunalovegood

Just staying at home
Just chillin' here on my own
Staring at my phone

- Elena Georgieva

A new view with hope
More distant stars in the sky
May they grow closer

- Tony Rovello

coffee, powerful
laxative uncovers the
chamber of secrets

- json

All of the sudden
time stretches into the void
I wait for TP

- Alena

Feeling Good in New York
Lost in the City 
A day goes by

- Rebecca Xu

The birds are so loud
I've never heard them this loud
I'm now listening

- Elena

Fridge, my peace of mind
Squeezing out that door someday
With body buttered

- Hazzam Eztakhiriam

separate we stay
to flatten the curve we aim
reunite we will

- kera mchugh

sole sojourn forthwith
explore, inspire, reinvent
resilience rests

- kera mchugh

Keep six feet apart 
In verse, too. But a haiku
In hexameter?

- Brett A.

onset detector
i need a better one for
fire audiovisuals

- mike gao

quem disse
que um dia

- luminous_mind

Borders are shut down
Migrant farmers undeployed
Risking food supply

Scheduling Zoom
Status unavailable
Even though at home

- Sky

Isolate, Distance....  
A chance to think, breathe, make, be....  
Gifts like this are rare.

- P-Ray

Same Haiku, wrong link...
Please ignore the previous...
This is the right one...

- P-Ray

Neither of those links
Appear to work, anymore.
This, too, is okay.

- Ge

(tell us how we are doing and how to improve)